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Golang Programming for Beginners

Batch Price From £450 (approx. $579 USD) View Dates & Prices Short course on Golang programming for beginners
Total Duration: 15 Hours
Course level: Beginner
Delivery Method: Instructor-led Virtual Classes
Certification: Certificate of Completion will be provided after completing the course

Course Overview

This structured curriculum will provide students with a comprehensive understanding of Go programming, from the basics to more advanced topics.


No existing knowledge of Golang programming is required. Familiarity with any programming language is helpful but not required. You should have basic computing knowledge.

Course Dates, Prices & Enrolment

All Training Physical Classes Virtual Classes
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Course Content

  1. Introduction to Go
    • Go installation
    • Why Go?
    • Hello, World Program
    • Command-Line Arguments
    • Setting up Go ecosystem
    • Basic Syntax
  2. Program Structure
    • Names
    • Declarations
    • Variables
    • Assignments
    • Type Declarations
    • Packages and Files
    • Scope
  3. Basic Data Types
    • Integers
    • Floating-Point Numbers
    • Complex Numbers
    • Booleans
    • Strings
    • Constants
  4. Flow Control Statements
    • For loop
    • If statements
    • Else statements
    • Switch statements
    • Defer statements
  5. Composite Types
    • Arrays
    • Slices
    • Maps
    • Structs
  6. Functions
    • Function Declarations
    • Recursion
    • Multiple Return Values
    • Errors
    • Function Values
    • Anonymous Functions
    • Variadic Functions
    • Deferred Function Calls
    • Panic
    • Recover
  7. Methods
    • Method Declarations
    • Methods with a Pointer Receiver
    • Composing Types by Struct Embedding
    • Method Values and Expressions
    • Encapsulation
  8. Interfaces
    • Interfaces as Contracts
    • Interface Types
    • Interface Satisfaction
    • Parsing Flags with a flag value
    • Interface Values
    • Example: Expression Evaluator
    • Type Assertions
    • Type Switches
  9. Goroutines and Channels
    • Goroutines
    • Channels
    • Looping in Parallel
    • Multiplexing with select
    • Cancellation
  10. Packages and the Go Tool
    • Introduction
    • Import Paths
    • The Package Declaration
    • Import Declarations
    • Blank Imports
    • Packages and Naming
    • The Go Tool
  11. Testing
    • The go test Tool
    • Test Functions
    • Coverage

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