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Programming With Java for Beginners

Batch Price From £360 (approx. $463 USD) View Dates & Prices
Custom Price From £180 (approx. $232 USD) Price Calculator & Booking
Short course on Programming with Java
Total Duration: 12 Hours
Course level: Beginner
Delivery Method: Instructor Led Online Training
Certification: Certificate of Completion will be provided after completing the course

Course Overview

This course is designed for beginners who wish to become a software developer by using Java, which is one of the most popular programming languages for web, desktop and mobile application development. It is a classroom-based course that covers the essential topics to start programming with Java.
If you are interested to book this course for a group of delegates then please contact us for a no obligation quote. You can also find more about our corporate training service.


No existing knowledge on Java is required. Familiarity with any programming language is helpful but not required. You should have basic computing knowledge.

Course Dates, Prices & Enrolment

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Course Content

  1. NetBeans IDE
    • Installing the NetBeans IDE
    • Introduction to NetBeans
    • Understanding of project explorer
  2. Overview of Java
    • The three Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) principles
    • First Java program
    • Closer look at the first program
    • Lexical Issues and Java keywords
  3. Data Types, Variables, and Arrays
    • Primitive types
    • Characters
    • Boolean
    • Working with variables and its scope
    • Type conversion and casting
    • Introduction to String class
    • Working with arrays
  4. Operators and Expressions
    • Introduction of operators
    • Arithmetic operators
    • Relational operators
    • Assignment operator
    • Logical operators
    • Increment and decrement operators
    • More in operators
  5. Decision Making
    • If statement
    • If…else statement
    • If…else if…else statement
    • Nested if…else
    • Switch Statements
  6. Using Loops
    • Introduction of looping
    • The while loop
    • The do-while loop
    • The for loop
    • The enhanced for loop
    • Jump statements : break, continue
    • The return statement
    • Nesting loops
    • Using the for-each loop with Arrays
  7. Introduction to Classes
    • What is a class
    • Class structure
    • Access modifies
    • Importing and combining classes
  8. Introduction to Objects
    • What is an object
    • Introduction to Java Objects
    • Creating Objects
    • Encapsulation
  9. Introduction to Methods
    • Declaring Methods
    • Types of methods
    • Parameters and Arguments
    • Calling methods
  10. Inheritance and Interfaces
    • Inheritance hierarchies in Java
    • Abstract Classes
    • Interfaces
    • Polymorphism
  11. Managing Errors and Exceptions
    • Types of errors
      • Compile Time Errors
      • Run Time Errors
    • Exceptions
    • Syntax of Exception Handling Code
    • Multiple Catch Statements
    • Using Finally Statement
    • Throwing Our Own Exceptions
    • Using Exceptions for debugging

Price Calculator & Booking Request Form

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Do you have a special training requirement or unable to find any suitable training date? Please complete and submit the booking request form, if you want to:

  • book a course on different dates
  • book for a group of delegates
  • book corporate training
  • book a customised training
  • book a one-on-one training

The price person is less when you book a course for more people. You can find the price per person and the total cost by changing the values of the training hours and the number of people below:

Participant Reviews

"The way the class was taken was very well done. I understood the subject thoroughly as it was explained in such an excellent manner. Would recommend anyone willing to know this subject."

S S K Waliullah, 14/03/2016

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