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C# Intermediate to Advanced

Batch Price From £360 (approx. $463 USD) View Dates & Prices
Custom Price From £240 (approx. $309 USD) Price Calculator & Booking
Short course on Programming with C#
Total Duration: 12 Hours
Course level: Intermediate to Advanced
Delivery Method: Instructor Led Online Training
Certification: Certificate of Completion will be provided after completing the course

Course Overview

This instructor-led Advanced C# Programming training course will enhance your C# programming skills with advanced features of C#. You will learn to develop applications using .NET Framework with C# and Visual Studio. The course includes Class & Object, Generics, Lambda Expressions, Linq, Delegates, Events, Extension Methods, Asynchronous Programming, Reflections and Dependency Injection.


You should have basic C# programming knowledge or you need to take our Programming with C# course before taking this course.

Course Dates, Prices & Enrolment

All Training Physical Classes Virtual Classes
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Course Content

  1. Class & Object
    • Class syntax and structure
    • Fields, properties, methods and constructors
    • Creating Objects
    • Understanding object lifecycle
    • Inheritance (Base and Derived classes - Using the base keyword)
    • Polymorphism (Method overriding, Abstract classes and methods, Interfaces)
  2. Generics
    • Benefits of generics
    • Generic classes and methods
    • Applying constraints
    • Multiple constraints
    • Using collections like List, Dictionary, and Queue
    • Creating and using generic delegates
    • Generic event handlers
  3. Lambda Expressions
    • Basic syntax and structure
    • Using lambdas with delegates
    • Using lambdas in LINQ queries
    • Simple examples with collections
  4. Linq
    • Overview and advantages
    • LINQ syntax
    • Common operators: where, select, orderby, groupby
    • Querying in-memory collections
    • Filtering, ordering, and grouping data
  5. Delegates
    • Definition and purpose
    • Syntax and declaration
    • Creating and invoking delegates
    • Multicast delegates
    • Using anonymous methods with delegates
  6. Events
    • Definition and use cases
    • Syntax and declaration
    • Creating and subscribing to events
    • Event handler methods
    • Defining custom events
    • Using EventArgs for custom data
  7. Extension Methods
    • Understanding Extension Methods
    • Creating and using extension methods
    • Practical examples and scenarios
  8. Asynchronous Programming (with async and await)
    • Need for asynchronous operations
    • Basic use of async and await
    • Writing async methods
    • Returning Task and Task
    • Try-catch with async methods
  9. Reflections
    • What is reflection?
    • Basic use cases
    • Inspecting assemblies and types
    • Getting type information at runtime
  10. Dependency Injection
    • Principles and benefits
    • Basic DI concepts
    • Setting up a simple DI container
    • Constructor injection basics
    • Injecting services in a application

Price Calculator & Booking Request Form

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Do you have a special training requirement or unable to find any suitable training date? Please complete and submit the booking request form, if you want to:

  • book a course on different dates
  • book for a group of delegates
  • book corporate training
  • book a customised training
  • book a one-on-one training

The price person is less when you book a course for more people. You can find the price per person and the total cost by changing the values of the training hours and the number of people below:

Participant Reviews

“The teacher was great and definitely knowledgeable. Highly recommend for people with 0 experience in C# and wanting to learn it!”

Clement 10/12/2018

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