Wednesday 22 April 2020, by Jenine Wing
Becoming a skilled programmer takes more than the knowledge of a programming language. It is a combination of motivation, conviction, and willingness to continue your learning process. It is a strategic mix of structured logic and creative thinking.
That said, every programming language has its unique characteristics to be conquered. To lead a computing problem to an executable program, one needs to have a deep understanding of the problem, and to be accurate in algorithms.
When it comes to theory, a lot of reading could prove to be effective. For complex topics, a little help from Essay Pro could make it easier to understand concepts better. However, for programming, you need actual practice to improve your skills.
If either C# or PHP is your forte, then these tips would benefit you immensely.
1. Leverage OOP
If you are not using Object Oriented Programming to your advantage, then you are falling behind fast. Both C# and PHP can work with OOP concepts. It eliminates the need for code repetition by collecting functions together and grouping them. Hence you can reuse it without having to rewrite the functionality or procedures when required.
Going OOP can help you add efficiency and readability to your coding style, makes it easier to debug, and allows faster loading of programs.
2. Use Profilers
In software programming, profiling is an analysis that measures the performance of a code. It helps to identify performance issues, how long methods, and can track aspects such as memory allocation and garbage collection. They are great at narrowing down the problem-locations in your code or finding quick solutions.
Developers use profilers without changing their code, to swiftly determine troubles in their programming. It is excellent for picking up errors that are not usually detected by unit tests. Having a profiler installed could save you time and help you optimize your code.
3. Include Frameworks Only if They Make Sense
Many developers tend to include a whole system of frameworks. It is an unnecessary step, especially if your code script is only a few hundred lines in length. Though frameworks are a great reference, they could add complexity to simple projects and could make it difficult to debug.
If your project might expand to a bigger scale, then the framework can work to your advantage and simplify the process. It is up to the developer to evaluate whether the framework is the right fit for the project
4. Use Built-in Functions
Both languages come with inbuilt functions that you can access immediately when using the language. For instance, if you want to count the number of keys in an array, you can create a loop through the array and increment the value for each iteration.
Or, you can do it easily with the inbuilt function of Count(0) to return the total number of elements in the array. Both the code and the function will give you the same result, but the latter will simplify it for you. When possible, you can and should take advantage of the built-in functions to remove obscurity.
5. Stay Clear of Nulls When Possible
Although nulls are convenient, they could make your program more complicated. "Not-specified" or "not-initialized" values could overload the concept of null, and lead to errors related to calling methods. If possible, you should reduce the number of nulls in your code, by using empty strings, or other options such as error codes instead.

6. Choose POST over GET
One can use two ways to send data to the server. The GET method sends encoded information in the page request while the POST method transfers information via HTTP headers. In POST, the data is embedded in a way that is not shown in the URL.
While it isn't always possible, if not necessary, it is best to use POST and not GET. The reason is evident. GET makes it easy for anyone to add a few characters to the address bar and emulate. Though GET is easy to do permalinks, POST might be the better alternative for security concerns.
7. Include Comments in Moderation
There are developers who think that their code should be self-documenting. Commends are indeed useful unless you overdo it. They can help document what your program does and why you use that function. You should keep them straightforward, simple, and to the point, to offer insight into complex parts of codes.
8. Focus on Readability
Readability is one of the fundamental pillars of good programming. Use simple variable names along with simple test conditions to make your code maintainable as well as readable. It reduces the complexity by large margins and makes it easier for others to understand your coding style. It applies not only to C# and PHP but other languages as well.
Stay Tuned to the Future
C# and PHP have their specific roles in the realm of software. However, the rules of excelling in any programming language apply to these two as well. The developing teams are continuously delivering new features that would expand the applications. The only trusted method to upskill is to write code and build upon it.