JavaScript still has a big pull today and comes with many benefits. So, there really is no reason why it isn’t worth learning still.
Tuesday 01 September 2020
An appealing web page is needed to draw in potential readers and to maximise your brand awareness.
Thursday 26 March 2020
There are some common JavaScript coding mistakes those lead to inefficient, buggy, and disorganized codes. In this article, I'll cover six of these common mistakes and how best programmers can avoid them.
Sunday 16 February 2020
The position of a frontend developer is one of the hottest jobs on the market. Know how you’ll hire the best team of frontend developers, who will become an inalienable part of your business.
Sunday 02 February 2020
There are many programming languages in the world. This article will help you to choose a language to learn.
Wednesday 02 January 2019
Once you've become familiar with what plain JavaScript offers, you'll find it useful to look at certain libraries for some of your projects.
Tuesday 25 August 2015
A quick & handy intro to using JavaScript to make your website more interactive and engaging.
Tuesday 04 August 2015
If JavaScript is your first programming language, it can take a little getting used to. These tips will help.
Tuesday 17 March 2015
Did you know you can use your HTML, CSS and JavaScript skills to build apps for phones and tablets?
Tuesday 10 March 2015
If your JavaScript code isn't working, use this handy checklist to find (and fix) the bugs.
Tuesday 25 November 2014
Learn SQL, Python, Testing & more with Instructor-led Online Virtual Classes