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JavaScript Intermediate to Advanced

Batch Price From £420 (approx. $522 USD) View Dates & Prices
Custom Price From £180 (approx. $224 USD) Price Calculator & Booking
Total Duration: 12 Hours
Course level: Intermediate to Advanced
Delivery Method: Instructor Led Classroom Training
Certification: Certificate of Completion will be provided after completing the course

Course Overview

This course prepares to learn the implementation of JavaScript in both frontend and backend. It provides advance document traversing with javascript. The object orientation in JavaScript is covered which creates the foundation of all processes in AngularJS and Node.js.

Special attention to functions with the closures and promises again is require to write efficient script.

Fetching data back and forth to server without reloading the page using the jQuery and Ajax is also incorporated. The popular JSON data handling will prepare you to send and receive data for RESTFUL API's.

It will provide the basic operation how node.js works, its pre-requisites installation, and creation of node application.

This course is designed to provide the pathway to learn MEAN (MongoDB, Express, Angular, Node) stack.


You should have basic JavaScript knowledge or you need to complete our JavaScript and jQuery for Beginners Training Course before taking this course.

Course Dates, Prices & Enrolment

All Training Physical Classes Virtual Classes
Time Zone:
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Course Content

  1. Objects
    • What is an Object?
    • Creating and Accessing Objects
    • Looping through Object's properties
    • Setting Object's properties
    • Deleting Object's properties
    • Calling Object's methods
    • Working with JavaScript Maps
  2. Document Object Model
    • Selecting Elements
    • Traversing Elements
    • Manipulating DOM
  3. Events
    • Registering event listeners
    • Delegated event listeners
    • Form events
    • Screen Event
  4. Functions
    • Callback
    • Closure
    • Promise
  5. Web Storage
    • Web storage API
    • Storing Structured Data
  6. JSON
    • Replacing and Reviving
  7. AJAX and APIs

Price Calculator & Booking Request Form

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Do you have a special training requirement or unable to find any suitable training date? Please complete and submit the booking request form, if you want to:

  • book a course on different dates
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  • book corporate training
  • book a customised training
  • book a one-on-one training

The price person is less when you book a course for more people. You can find the price per person and the total cost by changing the values of the training hours and the number of people below:

Career Path

JavaScript Developer > Lead/Senior JavaScript Developer

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