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C++ Programming For Beginners

Batch Price From £360 (approx. $463 USD) View Dates & Prices
Custom Price From £180 (approx. $232 USD) Price Calculator & Booking
Total Duration: 12 Hours
Course level: Beginner
Delivery Method: Instructor Led Classroom Training
Certification: Certificate of Completion will be provided after completing the course

Course Overview

This course is designed for delegates who want to understand fully the basics of C++ Programming Language. Along with the same the delegate will understand what are the fundamental programming techniques and library functions. Also, the best coding practices will be covered.


No Prior knowledge of any programming language is required, though knowledge of any programming language will give some advantage.

Software to download
You can use any C++ IDE. We recommend downloading and using Code::Blocks. It is a free IDE, and the download link is https://www.codeblocks.org/downloads. Alternatively, you may use the Visual Studio Code.

If you are unable to download any IDEs then you may use the online C++ editor https://cpp.sh/

Course Dates, Prices & Enrolment

All Training Physical Classes Virtual Classes
Time Zone:
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Course Content

  1. Introduction
    • What is C++ and History of C++
    • Why C++ and Advantages
    • A brief comparison of C and C++
    • Object Oriented Programming Concepts
    • Standard Template Library
  2. Types and Declarations
    • Types
    • Booleans
    • Integer Types
    • Floating point types
    • Sizes
    • Void
    • Enumerations
    • Declarations
  3. Pointers, Arrays and Structures
    • Pointers
    • Arrays
    • Pointers Into Arrays
    • Constants
    • References
    • Pointers To Void
    • Structures
  4. Expressions and Statements
    • Operators
    • Statements
    • Comments and Indentation
    • Iteration
  5. Functions
    • Function Declarations
    • Argument Passing
    • Value Return
    • Overloaded Function Names
    • Default Arguments
    • Pointer To a Function
    • Macros
  6. Namespaces and Exceptions
    • Namespaces
    • Exceptions
  7. Source Files and Programs
    • Separate Compilation
    • How to use the header files
    • Linkage concepts
    • Programs
  8. Introduction to Classes
    • Classes and its types
    • Access Control
    • Constructors
    • Member Functions
    • Static Members
    • Destructors
    • Memory allocation
    • Member Initialization
    • Overloading

Price Calculator & Booking Request Form

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Do you have a special training requirement or unable to find any suitable training date? Please complete and submit the booking request form, if you want to:

  • book a course on different dates
  • book for a group of delegates
  • book corporate training
  • book a customised training
  • book a one-on-one training

The price person is less when you book a course for more people. You can find the price per person and the total cost by changing the values of the training hours and the number of people below:

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